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Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Ecuador Mission Trip
13-year-old Rhys on mission in Ecuador in 1995

I grew up in the church, and doing missions.  I went on my first mission trip when I was 13 years old, and then did multiple trips throughout my teenage and young adult years.  On my third tour with the Continental Singers I met my wife.  We moved to Port Angeles, started a family, and forgot about missions.

We are very active in our local church, Lynn is now on staff as the associate pastor, and I am responsible for IT and media.  But, we were not living missionally.


Mission in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico AIM Mission Trip 2022

In the summer of 2022 we led some families in our church (including our own) on a mission trip to Puerto Rico.

This trip was transformative for every member that attended, but especially for our family.  Jordan has felt a call on her life to missions, and is going to Eswatini Africa for 3 weeks later this year.  And I have felt called to join Adventures in missions both as a project leader, and a staff member.

But, the enemy has been hard at work to keep me from that calling.  There have been countless roadblocks, and difficulties that have slowed me down in answering the call on my life.  Enough that at one point, I was even questioning if it was the right decision, and if I had truly been called to missions, or if I was just on a spiritual high from our Puerto Rico experience.

Praise God that I had enough faith to attend Adventures Project Leader training in February.  When I arrived at Project Leader training, my coach had left me a card that said God had given him a singular word of encouragement to share with me, and that word was CALLED.

God has a calling on each of our lives, I have found mine and I am so excited to start on this adventure he has called me to.

Your calling is waiting….. will you answer?